Brexit is not making the export of plants and flowers to the United Kingdom any easier. Exporters are faced with more regulations and increased costs. Ten questions for Tim Rozendaal of wholesalers’ branch organisation VGB about export to the UK. As strategic advisor and project manager, Brexit is part of his portfolio.
At the end of August, the British Ministry of DEFRA published the final version of its Border Targeting Operating Model (BTOM). It revealed which requirements Britain would impose on the import of cut flowers from other countries. Besides it revealed where and how the inspections on plant and flower imports would be carried out.
The export of cut flowers to the UK will not become any easier in the next few months, confirms VGB advisor Tim Rozendaal. “The British chose Brexit because they wanted fewer European regulations and lower costs. Since they left the EU, regulations and costs regarding export to the UK have only increased. If they stick to BTOM, things won't work out on 30 April.”