When Karel Mertens died in 1998, his sons Geert and Berry Mertens were 11 and 14 years old, respectively. Their mother, May, combined their upbringing with keeping the Belgian-based nursery alive. “Suddenly she went from being the silent force to being the driving force behind the business. All this to give us the opportunity to follow in our father’s footsteps in the long run,” says Geert.
Karel Mertens wanted to be a teacher at a horticultural school. As a hobby, he grew bedding plants and geraniums for family members and neighbours. However, by the time he graduated, he had become so passionate about growing plants that he decided to make this his profession. Less than 20 years later, he died in 1998. His wife (now 61) continued the business, which she now runs together with her sons Geert (36) and Berry (38).
“She made it possible for us to follow in our father’s footsteps. Not as a must, but as a choice. We deeply respect that,” says Geert Mertens. He is mainly responsible for purchasing, sales and cultivation in Minderhout (near Hoogstraten), while his brother focusses more on logistics and cultivation at the site in the somewhat more distant village of Meer. Their mother May is still fully involved, performing all sorts of administrative duties.