Royal FloraHolland faces a lot of overdue maintenance at its hubs and has made it a key objective this year to address this. By doing so, the auction aims to make its buildings more sustainable and more efficient.
Though Royal FloraHolland (RFH) has not fully mapped the overdue maintenance at its export facilities yet, it already knows it is substantial. In addition to addressing its maintenance issues, RFH may reconfigure its buildings, striving to use the existing spaces in Aalsmeer, Naaldwijk and Rijnsburg more efficiently. As a result, RFH is investigating how much space it needs at the export hubs and how those spaces will be configured. The reconfiguration is related to order picking, among other things. The order picking of cut flowers requires more cool storage than originally required, calling for a different layout at the hubs.
What will happen in Aalsmeer and Rijnsburg is still unknown. RFH already has some more concrete plans for clearing overdue maintenance and redesigning the buildings in Naaldwijk. Royal FloraHolland Naaldwijk is going through a major overhaul: a large part of the Elsen building will be demolished, and part of the land will be sold. In addition, the auction is redesigning the Elsen building. RFH has already sold some of the land near the World Horti Center and is concentrating office space at the Fleurcenter. Meanwhile, it is keeping TPW Mars in reserve for future growth.