Since this spring, Alex Schoemaker's Hydrangea Paniculata have also been growing at One Floral Group in Canada. "We are specialised in the product, but we’re not a big company. With One Floral Group, it is exactly the other way around: they are big and are looking for exclusive products for the North American market," Schoemaker describes the collaboration with the company.
Jim Dertinger is Chief Marketing Officer at Canada's One Floral Group. He was in the Netherlands for a few days in early June, ahead of the FlowerTrials. Dertinger lives in Texas and flies around the world, partly in search of products for the company to market exclusively in North America. "A couple of years ago, our company changed its policy: We used to grow and trade bulk products, but we no longer wanted to participate in a race to the bottom. We started focusing on specials instead, products that we can market exclusively," said Dertinger.